Which Zodiac Sign Betrays the Most? We Know ANSWER
There are good and bad reputations for each sign of the zodiac. There is a fair probability that you have at least one or two zodiac signs in mind when you consider which ones are most likely to betray you. While everyone can betray another person, some zodiac signs are more prone to do so than others for a particular reason.
The ruling planet, element, and modality of each zodiac sign influence its personality and behaviour. At least one of those three alignments will determine your level of maturity, social skills, and judgmental tendencies, among other attributes.
Here is the List of zodiac sign which betrays the most:-
This air sign’s natives are frequently quite impetuous and flighty. If Gemini ever finds themselves in a situation where they must choose between defending their relationships and leaving, they will always opt to leave. You never know which side of a person born under this sign will come out. They are frequently duplicitous. Typically, Geminis are a bouquet of red flags presented as roses. Although they have a similar lovely scent, they have thorns that are more acute than any knife you could find in your back. They won’t even bother to wait till you turn around to attack you; instead, they will go for your heart as you are facing them directly.
The tendency of those born under this sign to avoid expressing their emotions makes them more inclined to be passive-aggressive and harbour resentments. Additionally, Aquarius has a reputation for being quite erratic and rigid. Because they are emotionally cut off from those around them and are inclined to seek retribution, the combination of these traits enhances the likelihood that they will betray you. The knife in your back probably has the fingerprints of Aquarius.
Like Aquarius, people born under this sign are frequently very unsure of themselves and would prefer to harbour resentment than face a challenge. Usually, grudges serve as fertile ground for potential betrayal. If you push Libras too far, they may also become easily disengaged. This sign’s natives are often quite vengeful. Unless you offer them a cause to, Libras are unlikely to betray or injure you. Crossing a Libra will make you regret it since they will not only stab you in the back but also twist the knife and break the blade off to prove a point. Be careful around Libras.
Aries people are frequently irritable and moody. They may also exhibit aggression and impulsivity. This fiery sign is frequently referred to as the bullies of the zodiac since they can be extremely goal-oriented and will gladly step on anyone to reach their objectives in life, which makes betrayal inevitable. Be sure to take precautions when dealing with the Aries in your life.
Scorpios are frequently distrusting, cloak-and-dagger, and violent, making them among the zodiac signs that others try to avoid the most. Additionally, those born under this sign may be extremely intolerant, cunning, and resentful. Be careful how you treat Scorpios because they are known for having a voracious desire for vengeance. Even the slightest harm to them can have a tenfold effect. Before they are done with you, Scorpio will make sure to wreck your entire life in addition to betraying you.
This sign’s inhabitants are frequently unforgiving, patronising, and goal-oriented. Because they have tunnel vision and prioritise their aims over their relationships with others, Capricorns will accidentally damage you. The worst aspect is that they will betray you unintentionally. It won’t be personal; you’ll just be the unfortunate by-product of their existence. Be cautious and avoid encroaching on their territory if you find yourself in their orbit.
This sign’s natives frequently lack patience, get bored easily, and can be highly impetuous. Sagittarians have a hard time making commitments. As a result, they frequently make promises they can’t keep, which is unquestionably one of the worst types of betrayal. Those born under this sign frequently seek a sense of control and prioritise their freedom above all else. In all honesty, Sagittarius will betray anyone in a heartbeat if it gives them more breathing room.