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Is your Zodiac Sign Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable? Know what does it Mean

Is your Zodiac Sign Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable? Know what does it Mean

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Do you know that, in addition to your zodiac sign or sun sign, which plays a big role in shaping your behavioural patterns, there are a number of additional factors that influence the compatibility and personality of your sign?

Cardinal signs, fixed signs, and mutable signs are the three major categories of zodiac signs.  Based upon how we function and express ourselves in the world, these three zodiac sign modalities are determined.

These three modalities each have four zodiac signs, one each from the fire, earth, air, and water elements, based on the properties of each zodiac sign.

Knowing the modality of your zodiac sign will help you better understand your sun sign and connect with your unique attributes.

Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn

The cardinal signs of the zodiac world signal the start of each of the four seasons.

They’re known for being visionary leaders and self-starters. The dynamic behaviour and go-getter attitude of these signals are very much prevalent. 

Even if they unintentionally want to be the first to initiate or kickstart a project, each of these four zodiac signs has a unique manner of putting their leadership skills to work. They lack the consistency to carry out their tasks, therefore a permanent sign may be required to attain greater balance in their approach.

Fixed Signs:  Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius

The fixed signs of the zodiac world are unyielding, fixated, and can also be stubborn, as their name implies. They are the zodiac’s “doers,” working tirelessly to put the cardinal signs’ ideas or visions into action.

They are said to have a grounding and consistent energy and are not fans of change or unneeded alterations in plans. They are naturally loyal and will stick to a strategy no matter how many roadblocks they encounter. They can, however, be unreasonable rigid in their attitude and even inflexible at times.

In case your spouse or partner is of a fixed sign, then there is good news for you since these people will be your lifelong confidant, who will be extremely trustworthy and faithful

Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces

When compared to other zodiac signs, these are the signs that mark the end of the four seasons and are more adaptable to life changes. The mutable signs can be appropriately considered the finished of the lot, just as the cardinal signs are the starts and the fixed signs are the doers.

They know a shift is coming since they arrive towards the conclusion of each season, and they are prepared to adapt. These sun signs have a tendency to look at things from a variety of angles and views, which might leave them feeling a little befuddled.

They are also extremely impressionable signs, which means they absorb the traits of the individuals with whom they spend the majority of their time. They are, above all, non-judgmental people who are a little wiser than the cardinal and fixed signs because they understand that change is the one constant in life and that things don’t always go as planned.