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4 Zodiac Signs Who Refuse To Take External Advice for Their Marriage Troubles

4 Zodiac Signs Who Refuse To Take External Advice for Their Marriage Troubles

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Insufficient feelings of intimacy between partners contribute to the breakdown of many marriages. Most married couples eventually recognize serious flaws in their relationship, whether it’s a lack of physical love or emotional connection. When one partner stops respecting the other or thinking about ways out of the marriage, that’s when problems start to arise. When their marriage is in crisis, some Zodiac signs ignore the warning signs and refuse to seek advice from family, friends, or even therapists.

Here is the list of 4 Zodiac Signs Who Refuse to Ask for Help When Their Marriage Is in Trouble


If there is a lot of sarcasm and scorn expressed whenever there is a conflict with their partner, Cancer is a good observer who often realizes the marriage may be in peril. In most friendships and romantic partnerships, a little harmless teasing goes a long way. But persistent contempt reveals a lack of regard and may herald the gradual collapse of the relationship. A sensitive Cancer may feel wounded in such a situation, but they are unlikely to take any active steps to try to save the marriage.


If you’re a fire sign and you keep having nightmares about running away from your spouse, it could be a sign that your marriage isn’t doing so well. Nonetheless, Leo’s dedication to their partner is so strong that these ambitions may never materialize, even though their marriage is becoming increasingly unhappy. They refuse to accept that the marriage is ended and make no attempts to save it, such as suggesting counseling or making changes.


When Virgo’s marital life is fraught with arguments, they want to learn more about the feelings that underlie and fuel the fights. Despite knowing the reality about how they truly feel, they continue to deny the severity of the issue. This is due to their unwillingness to acknowledge that there is imminent cause for a split or that their marriage is in peril.


Scorpios are fiercely independent and have little patience for a spouse who constantly irritates them. When a Scorpio argues with their spouse, they often think about how much better their lives could be if they were alone. These brief thoughts cause them anxiety since they make them think of leaving their life partner and in search of a new place to call home. So, they stay married because it’s easier than trying to fix their relationship on their own, even though they may be unhappy.