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These Zodiac Signs Are Always Attracted to Darkness

These Zodiac Signs Are Always Attracted to Darkness

Some star signs are naturally inquisitive and have a soft spot for the underbelly of everyone and everything they meet. Indeed, their fascination in the depths of the mind frequently leads them to form friendships with multi-faceted persons. In addition, people born under these signs may have faced adversity in their lives, whether it was the death of a loved one, a terrible accident, or some other terrible tragedy. Consequently, they seek comfort and empathy from those who have been through the same things.

Thus, they merely aim to develop personally, whether that’s through reading about the complexities of life or having meaningful talks with others. This is why they seek for the shadows, not out of some sick fascination, but to feel a sense of community and belonging. See a glimpse of their identities:


Virgos, with their analytical minds, love to delve into the shadowy sides of people. People with darker personalities tend to pique their interest since they are good at revealing and comprehending the shortcomings and mistakes of those around them. Virgos are known to have an abundance of compassion for those going through tough times, whether it’s a friend from college, a coworker, or even a stranger they passed on the train.

These kind spirits are looking for a personal growth challenge, and they hope to go on a journey of discovery with their new friends. To them, the key to gaining perspective is delving into the complexities of life. Their empathy allows them to understand the complexities of other people’s paths. Virgos hope that their friendship and compassion might help them recover.


As water signs in the zodiac, Scorpios have a soft spot for hurting people and a burning desire to help them overcome their difficulties. They may feel compelled to reach out to others who are going through similar struggles, allowing their empathy to guide them. Maybe that’s why they want to help others find hope in the form of teaching, mentoring, or therapy.

Scorpios are so driven to aid and heal that they will confront the shadow sides of other people in order to shed light on them and assist them find peace. Truly, those born under the Scorpio sign are captivated by the strength and determination displayed by those who have endured the devastating loss of a loved one or even a financial setback, which in turn helps them to see the world in a more gloomy light.


Pisces is a true multi-tasker; from reminiscing about Shakespeare’s tragic heroes to catching up on the latest thrillers with old pals, the sign does it all. The truth is that signs associated with water enjoy reading about the darker side of life. They see it as the most effective means of facing their anxieties and fears.

As soon as a Pisces gains some familiarity with their environment, they are eager to expand their horizons and learn more. Because of their preoccupation with shadows, they enjoy literature, music, and art that deals with gloom and tragedy. Their pursuit of knowledge and healing is the ultimate motivation behind these pastimes.


Capricorns look to the works of existentialists like Jean-Paul Sartre and philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche for inspiration beginning in their teenage years. After all, these people have maintained that the surest path to self-awareness is to confront one’s shadow sides. Consequently, topics like death and the hardships one must endure on the road to self-actualization captivate Capricorns.

The Sea Goats, a sign of Capricorn, share the sign’s underlying belief that facing one’s shadow side can lead to enlightenment and that life is full of unknowns. Thus, individuals find themselves captivated by things that elude their comprehension. When they see the shadow side of other people, they pray it will make them feel more connected to their own shadowy desires and concerns. They can improve upon themselves in this way.