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4 Zodiac Signs Who Prefer Digital Detox After Break Up

4 Zodiac Signs Who Prefer Digital Detox After Break Up

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Seeing images or status updates of an ex-partner while the split is still fresh can be unpleasant. However, for some, taking a break from digital devices can be a way to avoid these triggers and give yourself time to recuperate.

A “digital detox” could be seen as just another way to help you move on from the past. However, it works surprisingly well. Going on a digital detox can help people put their health and well-being first after a breakup, making it easier to focus on healing and moving on.

Here is the list of 4 Zodiac Signs Who Prefer Digital Detox After Break Up


A Cancerian is a homebody who finds comfort in the company of loved ones. They invest in their relationships, and when one ends, they have no one else to turn to for emotional support except their closest friends and family. They’d rather disconnect from the internet and spend time with loved ones than dwell on the past by checking their ex’s profile for new activity.


Sagittarians are content to simply be in the present. They are not the type to torture themselves after a breakup by revisiting painful memories like looking at images of their ex in their phone’s photo album. They’d rather unplug and use the time to go on exciting new travels, full of unexpected discoveries.


Pisceans have a propensity for daydreaming. They are optimistic and take pleasure in fantasising. They don’t want to waste away their present and future opportunities by living in the past. To get through tough times, Pisceans don’t spend time online stalking their exes, but rather engaging in social activities or supporting causes where they can make a positive influence in the lives of others.


As a sign, Scorpios are known for their reserve. They’re dead set against anyone ever finding out who they are, and they despise the idea of putting oneself online. As a corollary, they despise stalking and monitoring their ex after the breakup. They’d rather put an end to the past by blocking their ex from all of their accounts than dwell on it any longer.