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These Zodiac Signs are More Likely to Hide their PAIN After Breakup

These Zodiac Signs are More Likely to Hide their PAIN After Breakup

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People feel a whole gamut of emotions after a breakup. Some people have no problem letting their feelings out, but others choose to bottle up their hurt and never let it out. They might think that repressing their feelings will help them overcome their grief and move on with their lives. It’s also possible that these folks are putting on an act of strength simply to avoid being assessed harshly. They might do this to avoid further upsetting themselves or others, or because they don’t want to give the impression that they’re weak.

Here is the list of those zodiac signs, that are more likely to hide their pain after a breakup:-


Scorpios have trouble trusting others, and they also make it hard for others to comprehend them. While expressing their feelings, they often take additional care. They choose to maintain their fiery personalities intact, despite the breakup, by suppressing their emotions. They put on an outward display of composure and control, but their inner lives tell a different story. They’re probably feeling rejected and are sulking and making things more difficult than they need to be.


Cancerians, like crabs, use their tough shells to protect themselves. But, in their haste to find shelter, people frequently avoid confronting their genuine emotions and the pain of grief. This occurs because they are trying to avoid unpleasant realities in their lives, which usually ends badly. They may put up an impressive front of strength and independence by terminating a relationship, but they may find it difficult to deal with future relationships because of the feelings they buried.


Leo tries to hide their pain so they can keep their self-esteem and dignity intact. If they break up with someone, it could be devastating, but they quickly get back to being the dynamic and powerful person they always were. They stuff their emotions because they don’t want the lion’s reputation for being a fierce spirit tarnished by the revelation of the lion’s low block, so they suppress it.


Libras tend to bottle up their feelings after a breakup, which they may try to hide by engaging in soothing activities like spending time with friends and family or focusing on something else. Libras are more likely to internalize their pain after a breakup than to reach out to others about it. Certainly, this is how they hide their softer sides from the world.

Editor’s Note

Certain Zodiac Signs may have a harder time recovering from emotional wounds since they are unable to give their emotions their full attention. Hence, it is generally accepted that one’s health should process emotions in a healthy way, such as by going to therapy, talking to friends and family, or taking part in activities that foster self-care and well-being.