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These Zodiac Signs Initiate Breakups With Kindness and Respect

These Zodiac Signs Initiate Breakups With Kindness and Respect

An end to a relationship is often a time when both people still love each other. After all, breakups make people feel bad, especially if they do something wrong. Luckily, some star signs put kindness and respect first during this time, which helps lessen the bad feelings. They know that hurting their ex-lover needlessly can make them feel bad for a long time.

So, by being kind and thoughtful, they hope to avoid an emotional mess. All they want is to keep their mental health in good shape and stay friendly with their ex even after they decide to split up. Here is a sneak peek at who they are:


In their eyes, it’s very important to let the other person say what they’re feeling and thinking without cutting them off. That’s why they might bring home-baked cookies, dinner, or even a warm hug to the meeting. They think that getting encouragement and support during this tough time will also help them both handle their feelings better.


Libras know that letting things get bad between them and their ex can cost them a lot. This is because they always think about how their relationship with the person they used to feel strongly about will change over time. They know that their job or peer group may put them in touch with their ex-lover again in the future. So, even after a breakup, these air signs like to keep up good ties.

Also, they respect the time they spent together and try to end their relationship on a positive note by not getting into fights. Because they are friendly, it’s easy for them to get along with the friends of their ex-lover or even work together. In this way, Libras can avoid awkward or hostile situations with their ex in the future if they stop the relationship on good terms.


Since they were kids, most Pisces have had a strong set of morals and values. They think people should treat others the way they want to be treated. So, they tend to care about doing the right thing and trying to stay honest, even when things are hard, like when a relationship ends. They also know that how they deal with a breakup can affect their self-esteem for a long time.

Because of this, they want to feel good about themselves, which makes them want to be kind to their ex-lover. Pisces believe that the experiences they shared will always hold a special place in their hearts, no matter how long the relationship lasts. So, to keep their ex from feeling too hurt, these water signs go the extra mile to make sure they feel understood and supported.


When these Cancerian crabs are going through a breakup, they like to talk about what went wrong in the relationship. They think that the only way to learn from what happened is to get closure. In addition, these water signs like to handle breakups in a clear and kind way.

In their eyes, it’s very important to let the other person say what they’re feeling and thinking without cutting them off. That’s why they might bring home-baked cookies, dinner, or even a warm hug to the meeting. They think that getting encouragement and support during this tough time will also help them both handle their feelings better.