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4 Zodiac Signs Who Tend To Be The Messiest Roommates

4 Zodiac Signs Who Tend To Be The Messiest Roommates

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Do you live with someone who frequently slams into objects or who likes tossing wrappers around the room? Some people enjoy neat and ordered settings, while some are total chaos enthusiasts. The latter group is more prone to accidents since they are clumsy by nature and are always in a hurry to find their way around. They find the very thought of organizing and setting up their goods in a methodical way to be repulsive. We know how stressful it can be to share a home with a friend who has a penchant for the chaotic, so we’ve put together this handy guide to the messiest zodiac signs.

Here is the list of 4 Zodiac Signs Who Tend To Be The Messiest Roommates


Because of their easygoing nature, Sagittarians are the most popular sign in this list. They don’t like to settle down in one place for too long and are constantly on the lookout for new places to call home. Therefore, they prefer anarchy to order. As they go about their routines, they frequently bump into things.


These skilled balancers appear to be disgusted by the concept of tidiness. Because of their hectic pace, people are prone to misplacing or breaking items despite their best efforts to keep them safe. These beings never have the guts to clean and organize their spaces to ship shape.


Similarly to other clumsy zodiac signs, Pisces enjoys the anarchy and disarray that surrounds them. Born with an abundance of imagination, those with a Pisces star sign care only about making a statement through their work or attaining results. They are completely unbothered by having to work or stay in a messy space.


Like Pisces, Aquarians are goal-oriented and don’t seem to mind if their lives are in a constant state of disarray so long as they reach their destination. They refuse to clean their homes because they find the concept of doing so repulsive. 

Editor’s Note

These sun signs are the worst roommates since they are disorganized and don’t like to clean up after themselves. If you value sanitation, you should avoid these zodiac signs.