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Top 5 Zodiac Signs Most Likely to be Bullied

Top 5 Zodiac Signs Most Likely to be Bullied

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These days, bullying is a hot problem. I can still recall being tormented in school and being encouraged by elders to “just ignore them and they’ll leave you alone.”

But as we all are aware, that isn’t very effective. Bullies aggressively devote themselves to making their targets’ lives worse than they were the day before.

Despite what their horoscope says, there will undoubtedly always be some people in society who are just naturally cruel, but it’s wonderful that bullying behavior is now being taken seriously.

Bullying certainly has some personal issues that the bullies themselves are unable to express without venting on others, in addition to leaving those who are targeted with enduring emotional wounds.

Astrology can reveal the zodiac signs that get aggressive when they don’t get their way or when they simply don’t like you. How they were raised and whether they were able to manage their fears are important factors.

Here are the top 5 Zodiac Signs, who are most likely to be bullied


People born under this sign are renowned empaths. They are notoriously overemotional. They frequently allow the bully to continue until they become too sensitive. Bullying them is relatively simple because they are a rather docile sign and rarely show aggression.


They are incredibly understanding and perceptive, and they can interpret your conduct. They will immediately understand where this need to bully people comes from in you, and the greater the bully you are, the more sympathy they will feel for you. Despite their tremendous fury and violent mood swings, they can maintain composure under pressure. When you bully someone, they will always cave in until you know what you are doing and what your part in the situation is.


Compared to the other two zodiac signs, this diplomatic sign is more vulnerable to bullying because by nature they hide their aggression. Because Libra likes to promote peace, they may choose not to respond and instead stand up to a bully, becoming the champions of justice. The problem is that they usually wind up being treated like a pushover and are thus referred to as the bully’s latest victim.


Capricorns frequently bully themselves rather than others. They have high expectations for themselves and set specific goals, and if they don’t live up to those standards, they’ll beat themselves up for days.

When a Capricorn acts like a bully, it’s usually because someone has disappointed them, broken a promise, or neglected to complete an important task. They don’t just treat others badly at random.


Leo enjoys the spotlight, but they typically want everyone around them to be having a good time as well. Leo is more likely to play the role of a hero than a villain, rushing to the aid of the victim. Leo, regrettably, occasionally tries to attract attention in the wrong ways. Leo can occasionally turn into a pushy, domineering jerk because of their arrogance and competitive drive, which want attention.