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Know these 6 Zodiac Signs, who are Not Good at Sex

Know these 6 Zodiac Signs, who are Not Good at Sex

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Not everyone can be a good bed partner. Some of us have trouble keeping up with our partners or delivering as promised. Here are six zodiac signs who have serious bedtime issues. Are you one of those people? Work on your problems and you will undoubtedly overcome them.


Taurus people are very affectionate and have a strong sexual drive. However, the problem in their case is that foreplay is sometimes all they want. They will touch every area of your body, but they will be so engrossed in the caressing that they will not notice that their spouse wants to go all the way.


Gemini people have difficulty exploring their intensely passionate side. They enjoy diversity, but what they really want is mental stimulation. It’s almost as if they feel compelled to involve their partner in order to demonstrate their sexual ability.


Cancerians cannot perform until they are emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually bonded to their mate. When everything is out of rhythm, they become quite uncomfortable, and this becomes a problem for them. They may not have as many troubles if they leave their doubts, concerns, and inhibitions behind, and they will become terrific caring lovers.


Librans are romantic, yet when it comes to sex, they are unusual chevaliers. They’re mushy, romantic and full of poetry, yet they might miss the G-spot in general.


When Aquarians want to, they may blow your mind in bed, but this is a rare occurrence. Aquarians enjoy trying new and quite wild things in bed, but if the other party is unable to match them, they will lose interest and you will be deemed unworthy of their time.


In bed, their dreamy temperament can be their worst enemy. When we look at other zodiac signs, their technique, the movement of their hands, lips, and rhythm, are unrivalled. However, they become so engrossed in their ideas about the touch that they become asexual when doing it.