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These Zodiac Signs Have Their Reasons for Being the Biggest Liars

These Zodiac Signs Have Their Reasons for Being the Biggest Liars

We all grow up believing that honesty is the best policy, but as we journey through life, we may find that not every scenario is plainly written in black or white. Indeed, difficult times produce shades of grey that must be negotiated with care. Intriguingly, when faced with such issues, a few star signs engage in white falsehoods to prevent hurting someone’s feelings or even to help preserve relationships.

They are aware that lying is often perceived in a negative light, yet they frequently opt to blur the lines between wrong and right when the occasion necessitates it. Hence, it is vital to evaluate their motivations behind fibbing, so that we might discover the kindness that may lie behind. See a glimpse of their identities:


Although Capricorns are considered upstanding persons, there are situations when they are ready to lie to retain harmony in a scenario. For instance, if these earth signs are dining with their bae, they may happily cover burnt food or a salty dessert by lying about how good the meal was. They may cheerfully compliment the cook while seeking to prevent the emotional pain of knowing they’ve dished up unappetizing meals.

At other times, they may also love telling their child that their drawing is beautiful, even if it’s not, just to boost their confidence. All they desire to do is promote the tiny tot’s originality in such circumstances while avoiding badmouthing the artistry. All in all, their eagerness to please everyone can occasionally result in dishonesty.


Most Geminis are noted for their quick wit and ability to keep up unending banter with everyone they encounter. But people fail to realize how kind they are, and how much they want to brighten the lives of everyone they meet. It can be as easy as choosing to tell a white lie or bend the truth to spare a loved one the pain of disappointment, or as complex as offering a passing remark to lift someone’s spirits.

Rather of acting out of self-interest, their empathy and compassion drive them to fabricate lies. Their motive may be to spare other people’s feelings, which could lead them to lie. Also, these air signs may appear duplicitous at times due to their dual nature, but they really do want what’s best for their loved ones!


Leos are one of the few zodiac signs that take great pleasure in sharing uplifting tales and experiences with those around them. Leo, being a fire sign, is more idealistic than Pisces and loves nothing more than to live in a make-believe universe. As a result, they may begin to embellish or even completely alter the truth in order to fit their narrative. So, when they exaggerate the details of their day to make people amazed, the lies they say come from their vivid imagination.

Leos always want to entertain, not trick, those around them, whether it’s family or friends. Plus, when these Leos want to keep their friend’s identity secret, they’ll occasionally embellish their story. They believe that lying is a viable option for protecting one’s privacy in a world where boundaries are often violated.


Scorpios may lie to protect themselves or those they care about, because of their reputation for strong romantic relationships. These signs of water have an innate need to be in charge, and that need can sometimes cause them to subtly distort the reality. They could often lie about where they are or not provide personal information to avoid a confrontation with their boo.

In a new relationship, Scorpios will only resort to these little falsehoods if they want to keep their independence and safety. They find these folktales useful for maintaining harmony and securing their own personal space. In a similar vein, they might embellish the facts in order to save a friend or classmate the pain of constructive criticism or bad news. They take this as an act of kindness, particularly if being honest would serve no useful purpose.