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4 Zodiac Signs Who Are the Biggest Sympathy Seekers From Their Partners

4 Zodiac Signs Who Are the Biggest Sympathy Seekers From Their Partners

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Some partners’ already-present fears reach new heights when they fall in love, and they begin actively looking for ways to gain their partner’s pity. They will go to any length, including lying or shaping the truth, to get their partner’s attention and affection. There are several possible causes for their need to constantly be the center of attention in the relationship, including low self-esteem, anxiety over receiving no admiration, and shyness. See which zodiac signs are known to seek a lot of sympathy from their partners.

Here is the list of 4 Zodiac Signs Who Are the Biggest Sympathy Seekers in Their Partners


A Leo partner should be the focal point of their life. When a person is in love, they have a strong craving for periodic displays of affection and pampering. Only the words of pity and flattery from their spouse can feed their inflated ego and a low feeling of self. Being ruled by the sun, those born under this zodiac sign thrive on their partner’s adulation.


Individuals born under this sign are known for their strong and confident exterior, but they occasionally seek comfort in drama as a way to reassure themselves that they are loved. A person feels fulfilled and inspired when they are the focus of their lover’s attention. They use deception and emotional manipulation to gain influence over their partner’s every move.


When it comes to getting their partners to show them affection, Geminis tend to overstate even the smallest of incidents. They don’t necessarily use drama, but their outspoken reactions force them to exaggerate minor issues.


To satisfy their fickleness, inhabitants of this water sign want compassion and generosity from a partner who shares their appreciation for powerful emotions. As a result of their mysterious and secretive nature, Scorpion lovers are generally viewed as the most untrustworthy partner in any relationship. They can, however, confidently create fictitious scenarios and relay them to their spouse. As a result, they can never get away from the dramatic white lies that plague their relationship.