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Know these Top 5 Zodiac Signs who Love to Cuddle: Ranked in Order

Know these Top 5 Zodiac Signs who Love to Cuddle: Ranked in Order

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Some people’s only want at the end of the day is to be able to cuddle securely with their partner. For them, a relationship is defined by these small private moments that make them feel cherished and special.

Here is a list of the top 5 zodiac signs that enjoy cuddling, [Ranked in Order]

Rank 1: Taurus

First on the list is Taurus. Taureans adore physical contact. They view it as a deeper level of intimacy than kissing and holding hands. Also, if you have had a long, exhausting day, Taureans are the ideal partner; they will spoon you to rest and calm you.

Rank 2: Cancer

The second on the list is Cancer. For cancer cuddling is a method to get to know someone on a deeper level, therefore you could say that they are the type of people who will make you feel comfortable and at ease while talking while cuddling or engaging in after-sex cuddles.

Rank 3: Leo

The next in line is the affable Leos. They are all enjoying PDA, holding hands, and cuddling, as well as the majority of romantic and intimate activities. They can cuddle their partner anyplace they like and never miss an opportunity to do so.

Rank 4: Pisces

When you learn that Pisces even dream about hugging, you realise how much they enjoy physical contact. When alone, they will cuddle a plush animal since it makes them feel safe and cherished.

Rank 5: Aries

Aries are the only zodiac sign that enjoys cuddling and also excels at it. They know everything, from how to position their arm so neither of you is uncomfortable to how to keep you warm without making you want to leave. They even know when to rub your hair affectionately. As though they are experts in this field.