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These Zodiac Signs Wish for a Love Without Sacrifices

These Zodiac Signs Wish for a Love Without Sacrifices

As a couple faces trials together, many of us assume that love and sacrifice are inseparable. There are many different kinds of situations that call for compromise, such as giving up a bothersome habit or moving to a new place to be with your partner. On the other hand, certain zodiac signs want for a more transcendent love that doesn’t require any kind of suffering or giving up anything.

The thought of sacrificing major aspects of their identity to be with another person is quite repulsive to them. Because of this, people are on the lookout for a love that doesn’t impose such conditions. In their ideal partnership, there would be no strife or disagreements. Their ultimate goal is not egotism but rather the fantasy of a carefree romance. See a glimpse of their identities:


Typical Pisces are idealists who picture a romantic relationship straight out of a fairy tale from the time they’re teenagers. They dream of being swept away by a prince charming so that they can have a relationship that is as smooth as a river’s rushing water. If Pisces can form a relationship based on deep emotional connection and shared understanding, they will settle for little in the way of compromise. True love, according to many water signs, should be intuitive and trouble-free.

Consequently, they have no interest in having a passionate affair. An intrinsically respectful tie, rather than one developed through trial and error, is all that Pisces require in a relationship. When they have an intense bond that goes above the everyday difficulties of life, they are able to genuinely love their partner without harboring any bitterness.


Despite spending much of their lives alone, Libras long for the companionship that brings the stability and security that no relationship can provide. Therefore, when they do meet their soulmate, they make every effort to create a love that is harmonious, fulfilling, and free of sacrifices for either partner. Indeed, air signs are naturally diplomatic and would rather avoid conflict if they can help it.

They might never once suggest that their partner give up even a little bit of their autonomy. Furthermore, Libra would never suggest that their partner cut out friends that she finds annoying or even alter their eating habits so that they can live in harmony with their partner in the kitchen. For this air sign, the ideal romantic relationship is one in which there is little room for conflict and everyone is on the same page.


To a greater extent than any other zodiac sign, Aquarians are known for their love of freedom. Therefore, for this air sign, the thought of love requiring significant sacrifices can be frightening and discouraging at times. As a result, the ideal partner for this air sign is someone who values and honors their uniqueness.

Individually, Aquarians, represented by water bearers, make numerous little sacrifices as a method to show their partner how much they love them. Whether it’s picking out a movie to watch or making major life decisions as a couple, Aquarians would always do it hand in hand. They typically do this knowing that it will enhance the bond.


Most Taureans are passionate lovers who would gladly give up anything for the one they love. For these people, the pursuit of a stable relationship free of sacrifices is of the utmost importance. So, for example, these Taurus bulls would rather not have to pick between their parents and their love partner.

They would also be hesitant to put their partner’s needs ahead of their professional responsibilities. As a result, they are picky about their romantic partners and will only settle for one in which they can feel completely secure, without having to make any major concessions. When these earth signs get romantically involved, they will go out of their way to meet their partner’s emotional requirements.